Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Jhoom Barabar Jhoom - The 3 hour long fancy dress competition

We were supposed to go and watch Shootout At Lokhandwala. So we promptly reached the theatre at 7.30 pm. Only problem, the last show of Shootout At Lokhandwala was at 6.30 pm. Being an evil multiplex and all, it had the temptation of a 8 pm show of JBJ. Needless to say we succumbed.

So, we get on the elevator, packed with insufferably giggly people - ranging from age-groups 12 to 60  of both sexes - talking about the dresses they saw Lara Dutta and Preity Zinta wear in the promos, casually throwing the names of the Director and Producer as though they knew them personally. Possibly the longest 15 seconds a human being can go through. We rush out of the elevator before we catch the contagious disease these people seem to be suffering from, get 3 cups of coffee from the counter, where the nutcase behind it politely asks us to stand in line even though we are the only ones there. And then we enter the hall.

After trailers of Apne and Chak De India, the film started with Amitabh Bachan looking like Captain Jack Sparrow's father, doing the Keith Richards impression with a guitar. Enter Abhishek with the now old and cliched swagger and Preity looking, er, pretty. And then they concoct stories about their 'fiances', which try to be funny, almost are, but just fall short. Then both of them fall for each other, to maintain the falling pattern. Then they have a dance competition, kiss in the streets and probably marry each other. The End.

That about does it for the story, there's Lara Dutta and Bobby Deol in many places, being a French hotel manager and a cussing prostitute, a super wealthy lawyer and a mama's boy, and all four of them dressing like no one could in the real world unless they were filthy rich and bonkers in the head.

I would write more, but frankly there isn't much to say about this film.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Man u really watched that piece of bull crap...God save you....my sis actually did it & takes guts 2 really piss her off & she almost came home cryin.....lol