Friday, July 6, 2007


Sun's out and the first lights are on,
You feel the world closing in and out.
If you're lucky, you can sometimes wait until dawn;
The claustrophobia just made you in yourself doubt;

Come close to me, don't let them close in,
I can almost feel the wall
They are just out of my hand's reach, kissing my skin
Did I scream out? I can't seem to recall.

Let me check my vital signs,
Increased heart-rate and pulse, dilated pupils too, I bet,
I'm sweating a river, gasping for breath, is this punishment for my crimes?
How many years has it been since the last human being I met?

I'm so alone here, so scared and quiet,
The silence is unbearable, it seems to pound in my ears,
I want to see things, people, birds, beasts, even if they bite,
Right now, I'd be happy if I could again see my fears.

A rabid dog, Freddy Kruger, a murderous clown,
Heck even Himesh Reshamiya singing for hours, without pause,
And me forced to hear it, bear it, gulp it all down,
Anything to keep me out of these ever closing jaws.

So help me out, or put me out of my misery,
Save my life, or kill me outright, no permissions needed, no query,
Be my messiah, my prophet, my saviour, my tourniquet, my hero,
End this now, now I'm old, tired, have no passion, no fury.

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