Monday, November 23, 2009

If the sun don't come

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. Nonsense. I'm not he, he's never me and we sure hell aren't all together. But I guess that's the point. To be nonsense. Everyone wants to be him, but everyone fails. Goo goo g'joob. But that makes sense, even if Lennon does say the opposite. Sorry, John, that song actually makes sense. You failed.

But then, we all fail, some fail more than others, some don't fail but think they're failing,which more or less has the same result, some fail without realising they're failing and all of us living with the fear of failure even as we know it's inevitable. I'm crying. I'm cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyying. I'm crying.

So then we come to the eggmen and the walrus. Goo goo g'joob. Who are these eggmen? Mere semi-hallucinatory, nonsensical, irreverent Lennon inventions or part of something much deeper, goo goo g'joob? Are they the authority, the 'MAN', the government, the superiors, our gods, our leaders? Who are they and what do they do, goo goo g'joob? I am the eggman, They are the eggmen, we are to blame for them as we are them. So sing along - Goo goo g'joob.

But I am the Walrus. And the Walrus is free, and the Walrus knows, the Walrus can see. And he sees it all, and he sees everyone. And that is why He was the Walrus then, and I am the Walrus now. You're not the Walrus and you can never be, because you don't even know that Walruses like us even exist. You assume that we are all eggmen like you, conforming, obeying, walking along. And it's good that way, for both of us.

Look how they run, like pigs from a gun, see how they fly, see how they snide, see how they run, Semolina Pilchard, pornographic priestess, yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dog's eyes. We are the Walruses, we are the eggmen. And we'll get a tan from the rain...

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