Thursday, December 17, 2009


I saw you gazing at the sky yesterday,
And I thought "what does she see?",
In the black clouds and the drops of rain,
That touch your face and scatter, disappear,
And I realised I thought, I thought in vain.

Because I realised, I realised I did not want to know,
As I saw your face light up the dark clouds,
I found out the meaning of a silver lining,
So clear, so apparent, so obvious, so true,
The silver lining is your smile, shining.

You saw me transfixed, and you blinked,
Your smile wavered for a second, I weaken,
Thirsty, needy, desperate, my eyes plead,
And you comply, and light floods,
And I realise, I realise that is all I need.

So I gaze,
So you smile
And the raindrops,
They touch, scatter,


Gauri Gharpure said...

the last five small lines make the poem. lovely

Arjun said...

Thanks. Got a soft spor for this one...

You think it could work on girls?